Saturday, August 20, 2011

100th Post for Matt Doyle!

Just over two years ago - I set out on the adventure of a life-time. Well, actually the adventure of 2009. I decided I would take some time and journal/write about it on here and have attempted to keep up with it since.

With my recent venture to PA, I spent a few days working at a dealership to get a feel for what it would be like to be one of our dealers. Specifically, I was supposed to be working with parts, but I did a little bit of everything while I was there.

The parts and service manager, Matt Doyle, was super nice and friendly and put up with all of my questions. He was such a nice guy and I figured I would use what little awareness I have on here to help promote his art. He is just 24 years-old, a few months older than me, went to fine arts school and I'm sure would love to take his passion further to make it a career.

So check out his stuff - I'm going to order a print or two so you should too! I'm sure he would work with you as well if you would like something done as an original.

Thanks for all of your help Matt and best of luck!

"Dancing in the Moonlight" 

"On the Prowl"

"The Canadian Collection"

Thursday, August 18, 2011

"Beautiful Things"

I would much rather muse about my past few weeks and sit outside on my patio and enjoy the sunset than do my laundry or dishes. Life is just such a beautiful thing! God's creation is such a beautiful piece of art! And where life takes you - well that's the trip.

This past week I spent in Pennsylvania. PA is a state that I have only driven through just barely going out to DC, so I believe that makes my count on states visited 41/50! Sorry dad, that isn't a fraction that will reduce. (He is a math teacher fyi.)

Sunset at the Park where the ATV event was at that I worked
I was able to see some of the most beautiful country I have ever seen. Driving through actual mountains covered with trees and alongside small creeks with old homesteads scattered throughout the land, was truly a breathtaking experience. Not to mention the deer, the fields that were about ready to harvest and the sky is gorgeous wherever you go. Even back here in Kansas as you can see from my shot from my balcony.
KC sunset from my balcony
My grandmother is currently in hospice, but holding stable to the point where they might move her into a nursing home hospice situation. It is at times like this that make you sit and re-evaluate your life and determine or re-determine what is important to you. What makes your life beautiful?

I have made a point to spend the last 5 or so New Year's Eves with her. Our big night would include some card games and puzzles and of course watching the ball drop! It always took me back to when I was younger and she would babysit for my brother and me while my parents got one of their few date nights a year with their best friends. She has always been such a great role model - lived a simple, yet content life. I will always look up to her for that. Her favorite prayer was "Grant me peace and contentment." With all the big dreams that I have going through my head at one time, remembering that helps to keep me grounded.

So enjoy every beautiful thing. From the human life of the new person you just met, to the beauty that nature beholds for us to the opportunities that we are blessed with everyday - remember it is all BEAUTIFUL!

Great song to ponder to:
"Beautiful Things" - Gungor

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Too Good Not to Share

My mom sent me this picture after a storm blew through this afternoon and after a weekend that didn't go quite as planned, it brought a smile to my face. I miss him a lot, but I know this is a time of growth for me and I know God is with me every step of the way. I've been seeing my yellow and black butterfly recently which has been another added reassurance. Soon my dog Chloe will be out here with me so she'll help keep me company.
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